So Amanda hit me for this a long time ago... And obviously I don't update very often, so here goes
The rules:
1. Post the rules on your blog.
2. Tell 7 random things about yourself.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post.
4. Pass on the tag.
1. I cannot wake up at an "even" time. Examples: 7:00, 7:10, 7:03, etc. and even though 5 isn't an even number, I consider it an even "interval" so I can't wake up at 7:15 either. I feel like if I wake up at an even time it's going to throw off my whole day and it's just gonna be a terrible day. Weird, I know.
2. I love the Christmas season! I love decorating, picking out a Christmas tree, and just seeing all of our families and seeing the smiles on everyone's faces.
3. I've learned more in the last year about myself and life in general than I ever have before. Through medical issues, losses, and set backs I've learned to be stronger, more realistic, and it's brought my relationship with God a lot closer. For all these things, I am truly thankful and blessed. I love my life more and more every day.
4. I am really looking forward to going back to school in the Summer of 2009. I'm looking forward to challenging myself within my Nuclear Medicine study and going on to help people. Along with a new career, I hope my life will lead me to a new place, a new city, preferably in a warmer climate down south. :)
5. I really really really want a puppy. I want a miniature schnauzer, preferably a black one or a salt&pepper one, and if it's a girl I will name her Kenly and if it's a boy I will name him Oakley.
6. I absolutely LOVE 50's & 60's music. I often think that I was born in the wrong generation because I would much rather listen to the Everly Brothers, Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, etc. and wear poodle skirts and dance to music from the good old days.
7. When I was in elementary school and my mom worked nights I developed this fear that something would happen to my mom while she was at home by herself and I was at school and I used to get so scared and I would cry and cry until she got home and then I would pretend I was sick and couldn't go to school just so I could stay home and spend time with her.
That was fun, I am supposed to tag 7 people to do this, but I don't even know 7 people that ready this, so if you read it and want to do it, TAG, you're it.
I'll try and update everything soon. Until next time....
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
It's Only...
Been 3+ months since I've updated. I may go down in the history books as the single worst blogger. It's quite possible. Down to work.
Thanks to everyone who prayed for my mom after her surgery. She is doing much much much better. When they did the surgery, the cysts they removed contained over 40lbs. of fluid, so she's already lost 40lbs. She's on a mission to lose even more weight because she is already feeling better. She's been walking about 1 1/2 to 2 miles a day. I am so proud of her, she's really become an inspiration for me to finally kick my butt into gear. I am letting myself get terribly out of control and it's really starting to take a toll on my health.
The past 2 weeks I have been working at a Speedco store in Beaverdam, OH. It is a MUCH different atmosphere than my store. They are much more laid back and easy going, they don't do half as many trucks as we do, and they don't clean a 1/3 as much as we do. It's almost like being on vacation, because they don't do much of anything. Seriously. Adam gave me the daunting task of re-doing his inventory book including the new bar codes so I've been working on that the past 3 days, non stop, and i still haven't gotten it completely finished. Did anyone offer to help? Of course not. I'll be glad to go back to Perrysburg where I'll feel appreciated. I never imagined I would ever say that.
Classes start a month from now. I'm not going to lie, I'm really nervous. I haven't taken classes in almost 2 years. I just don't want to disappoint anyone again. I want people to trust me that I'm serious this time. It's my time now. 4.0 GPA here I come. :-D
Jason and I have been busy around the house. Cleaning and sprucing it up. It's been a lot of work, but it's been fun and it's been well worth it. I'll put pictures up soon.
Well, that's about all the time I have today, I'll try and write again soon.
Until next time....
Thanks to everyone who prayed for my mom after her surgery. She is doing much much much better. When they did the surgery, the cysts they removed contained over 40lbs. of fluid, so she's already lost 40lbs. She's on a mission to lose even more weight because she is already feeling better. She's been walking about 1 1/2 to 2 miles a day. I am so proud of her, she's really become an inspiration for me to finally kick my butt into gear. I am letting myself get terribly out of control and it's really starting to take a toll on my health.
The past 2 weeks I have been working at a Speedco store in Beaverdam, OH. It is a MUCH different atmosphere than my store. They are much more laid back and easy going, they don't do half as many trucks as we do, and they don't clean a 1/3 as much as we do. It's almost like being on vacation, because they don't do much of anything. Seriously. Adam gave me the daunting task of re-doing his inventory book including the new bar codes so I've been working on that the past 3 days, non stop, and i still haven't gotten it completely finished. Did anyone offer to help? Of course not. I'll be glad to go back to Perrysburg where I'll feel appreciated. I never imagined I would ever say that.
Classes start a month from now. I'm not going to lie, I'm really nervous. I haven't taken classes in almost 2 years. I just don't want to disappoint anyone again. I want people to trust me that I'm serious this time. It's my time now. 4.0 GPA here I come. :-D
Jason and I have been busy around the house. Cleaning and sprucing it up. It's been a lot of work, but it's been fun and it's been well worth it. I'll put pictures up soon.
Well, that's about all the time I have today, I'll try and write again soon.
Until next time....
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Day 1
Hola! We made it down to Cancun yesterday morning about 9 a.m. after a VERY long morning. I got home from work at about 11:45 Thursday night, finished the last min. packing, took a shower and literally took a 2 hour nap. We left the house around 3:30 a.m. The flight was pretty smooth, which I appreciated, and for the very first time I was actually able to sleep on the plane for about an hour. They woke everyone up about an hour before the plane landed to fill out our customs forms and what not and seeing as though I was so tired my brain wasn't exactly functioning properly. It took me 3 sheets to finally fill it out correctly. :) Oh well. So we got to the hotel about 10 a.m. and I can't even describe to you how AMAZING this place is. There is marble everywhere and their attention to detail is incredible. They said that our room wouldn't be available until 3, and at that point I didn't know whether to laugh or cry because I was so tired, all I wanted was a bed. I did niether however. So we went to breakfast, explored around the hotel, played some games on the computer, and took a nap on the couch in the lobby. Okay, so maybe I was the only 1 that slept in the lobby. We finally got into our room and I was completely blown away. This place is beyond belief. I wish I would have packed the usb cord for the camera so I could show everyone some pictures, but unfortunately that was 1 of a few things I forgot. As soon as we laid down in bed Jason crashed. He was out for a good 4-5 hours. I, on the other hand, only slept about 2 hours and managed to straighten my hair, put make up on, and watch the sunset before Jason finally decided to get up. So obviously we had a late dinner. We ate at the steak house here at the hotel and oh my goodness was it awesome food. My steak was cooked perfectly and their mashed potatoes were so creamy they melted in your mouth. I really have to kick my diet into high gear when we get home. This morning we woke up and had breakfast in the room and proceeded out to the pool area. We found beach chairs in the pool right next to the bar. :-D Perfect. We sat by some of the most obnoxious people, however, so thanks to them we only sat out there for about 1 1/2 hours. That was enough though, because the top of my chest is already toasted. I am very thankful that I have been tanning though, because if it wasn't for the base color I already have I fear I would have toasted even more. We went to Rain Forest Cafe for lunch and my food was less than stellar but you pretty much just go there for the atmosphere anyway, so it was ok. They had coke from the glass bottles though, so that was really cool. Yet another picture I can't show you. Mandy and Steve just called, they just got in about 5:30 p.m. We made reservations for the Hibbachi grill tonight. I am looking forward to that, I love hibbachi food. It's always a good time. Well, I should probably start getting ready for dinner. I am hoping to update throughout the trip, but I won't make any promises. Until next time...
Thursday, April 3, 2008
This has been a very off week for me and it isn't even over yet. I worked Sunday-Wednesday and I have today and tomorrow off. Then I get to work Saturday-Thursday all nights. Lovely. It's a good thing I leave on vacation on Friday, because they wouldn't want me to come back after 6 days of nights.
We finally have city water! It's weird how you start to appreciate things once you no longer have them. At my parents we always had city water. You could take a shower and actually feel clean, do laundry and not worry about staining your clothes, and you could drink a glass of water out of the sink anytime you wanted. Moving in with Jason changed all that. It took me twice as long to take a shower because I couldn't tell if all the conditioner was rinsed out or not. And I cannot count the numerous times Jason questioned my domestic abilities when his shirts come out of the laundry with brown stains on them. Come on now, I may not be able to cook but I can clean and do laundry with the best of them. I'm just glad it's finally over and we don't have to deal with Mr. Plumber anymore. They were a joke. End of story.
We leave for Cancun in 8 days. Halleluiah! The weather looks like it's going to about 85 degrees every day and mostly sunny. I couldn't ask for more perfect weather. The cruise was a nice get away, but it didn't really allow us to relax. Cancun is going to be our time to relax. I need that time. Jason needs that time. It's going to be great.
I learned that i have very expensive taste today. Haha. I went to Harold Jaffee Jewelers today to have my ring cleaned because it needed it BAD. Well of course while I was waiting I had to look around. You can't go into a jewelry store and not look around. So I looked at a pair of emerald earrings because my mom wants a pair to match her ring for her birthday. They were outragous. Then I slowly moved over to the rings. :-P Couldn't help myself. I found one that was absolutely gorgeous, with a not so gorgeous price tag. We won't go into how much it was, but lets just say I should keep dreaming. I also saw the cutest engagement/wedding band set. The two rings were sort of slanted, 1 had the diamond and the other was a diamond band and they slid into each other. It was awesome. I guess I have a while until I have to worry about that though.
Well I guess that's all I have to update every on. Until next time my lovlies...
We finally have city water! It's weird how you start to appreciate things once you no longer have them. At my parents we always had city water. You could take a shower and actually feel clean, do laundry and not worry about staining your clothes, and you could drink a glass of water out of the sink anytime you wanted. Moving in with Jason changed all that. It took me twice as long to take a shower because I couldn't tell if all the conditioner was rinsed out or not. And I cannot count the numerous times Jason questioned my domestic abilities when his shirts come out of the laundry with brown stains on them. Come on now, I may not be able to cook but I can clean and do laundry with the best of them. I'm just glad it's finally over and we don't have to deal with Mr. Plumber anymore. They were a joke. End of story.
We leave for Cancun in 8 days. Halleluiah! The weather looks like it's going to about 85 degrees every day and mostly sunny. I couldn't ask for more perfect weather. The cruise was a nice get away, but it didn't really allow us to relax. Cancun is going to be our time to relax. I need that time. Jason needs that time. It's going to be great.
I learned that i have very expensive taste today. Haha. I went to Harold Jaffee Jewelers today to have my ring cleaned because it needed it BAD. Well of course while I was waiting I had to look around. You can't go into a jewelry store and not look around. So I looked at a pair of emerald earrings because my mom wants a pair to match her ring for her birthday. They were outragous. Then I slowly moved over to the rings. :-P Couldn't help myself. I found one that was absolutely gorgeous, with a not so gorgeous price tag. We won't go into how much it was, but lets just say I should keep dreaming. I also saw the cutest engagement/wedding band set. The two rings were sort of slanted, 1 had the diamond and the other was a diamond band and they slid into each other. It was awesome. I guess I have a while until I have to worry about that though.
Well I guess that's all I have to update every on. Until next time my lovlies...
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Hello, Boy
Well, it's been a year today since you left us, and as you know there is still a bad taste in most of our mouths. It feels like yesterday you walked into Mamaw's house, with your long hair in a pony tail that Mamaw hated, and we all sat down, talking or planning about going to a race. It still seems so unreal that you won't be there for another race, won't be there to see any of us get married and have kids (you were always great with kids), won't be there to play another game of basketball with us, you just won't be coming around anymore. It's still painful. I know we'll never fully understand why you did what you did, but I think this year has taught me a lot and slowly, you're helping us all understand. I got off work last night, thinking about you and how hard today was going to be, and I turned on the radio and the song that was playing was "I Can Only Imagine" by Mercy Me. I admit, I started crying. I know that that was you coming through telling me that you were okay, you were safe, and most of all you were happy. You were where you belonged. That really helped. I can't say that I don't still hurt, that's going to take more time, but I know that you don't want any of us to cry anymore. All of us still talk about "the good times" and we can't help but smile. I remember my freshman year of high school you came to almost every 1 of my basketball game, and I never told you how grateful I was for that. I remember you were living with Mamaw and Papaw at that time and we bought you the basketball hoop for your birthday that year. I believe you turned 34 that year. Wow, that seems so long ago. You played with me every time I came out there, and you made me a better player. No one could help me with my temper that season though. LoL. I remember going down to Eldora and camping with you, Papaw, Cassie, Amber, and my 2 sisters. I know when Jason and I go down there this summer that you'll be sleeping outside our tent to make sure no drunk idiot gets to close to any of us. That always made me laugh. I remember arguing with you countless times about how Mark Keegan was not a good driver/person and I would continue to boo him. We're still waiting for him to retire, but I won't boo him anymore. So many things have happened since you've been gone, you missed the birth of your first grandchild. Riley is so adorable and I know you are very proud of Cassie. Amber is going to go so far with her creativity. She blows me away every time I see her, she is mature beyond her years. And I know if you were here you would be on top of Allison telling her to get her shit straight. LoL. Caitlin is excelling at school and finally broadening her social horizons. As for me, I'm doing ok right now. I hope you're rocking out in heaven in your big yellow truck, listening to Linkin Park like we always did. By the way, Papaw let me and Caitlin drive that finally, only a couple of times, but don't worry we took extra good care of her. Please continue to be with all of us, we love and miss you more every day. You know I think about you every day. Until I see you again...
R.I.P. Uncle Russ a.k.a. "The Boy" 3.4.68-4.1.07
R.I.P. Uncle Russ a.k.a. "The Boy" 3.4.68-4.1.07
Friday, March 28, 2008
Snow Snow Go Away
So I think someone should remind Mother Nature that it is the END of March, which means it's officially SPRING, which therefore means NO more snow! The 3 inches of snow/frozen rain we recieved last night was not at all appreciated. My normal 25 min. drive home turned into a 60 min drive with max speeds of 35 mph. Go away snow and winter. Take a hint, you're no longer welcome.
Easter was lovely. We went to Jason's church for early service and it was Amanda's moms last service there so we talked to her for a bit, then we headed over to Jason's aunt and uncle's for Easter dinner. It was soooo yummy. His cousin had bought a WII so we brought some games over and ended up playing and hanging out until 9:30. It was a very nice day.
So Jason and I are leaving for Cancun April 11th and needless to say I am looking forward to the beautiful weather! I've never been to Mexico, but Jason's been there numerous times and he loves it. I'm pretty excited, I can't wait!
Jason's birthday was yesterday. Happy 28th birthday gorgeous! We're planning on going to J Alexanders for dinner tonight to celebrate. Tomorrow we're going out to my grandparents for a combined birthday dinner for Jason and Caitlin since Caitlin's birthday is Sunday. So Happy early 20th birthday Caitlin Renee!
There are a lot of changes going on at work. Good and bad depending on the way I choose to look at it. Can't say too much now because I never know who reads this. I'll fill you all in later.
My mom is going in for her DNC on April 22nd. Finally. A month after that she will go back in for an ultra sound and other tests, then they should start her on the medication and as long as she reacts well to the medicine and can lose the weight she should be having the hysterectomy sometime around September or October. I'm praying that everything goes smoothly and she isn't in pain any longer.
Well I think that's about all I have to update. Until next time...
Easter was lovely. We went to Jason's church for early service and it was Amanda's moms last service there so we talked to her for a bit, then we headed over to Jason's aunt and uncle's for Easter dinner. It was soooo yummy. His cousin had bought a WII so we brought some games over and ended up playing and hanging out until 9:30. It was a very nice day.
So Jason and I are leaving for Cancun April 11th and needless to say I am looking forward to the beautiful weather! I've never been to Mexico, but Jason's been there numerous times and he loves it. I'm pretty excited, I can't wait!
Jason's birthday was yesterday. Happy 28th birthday gorgeous! We're planning on going to J Alexanders for dinner tonight to celebrate. Tomorrow we're going out to my grandparents for a combined birthday dinner for Jason and Caitlin since Caitlin's birthday is Sunday. So Happy early 20th birthday Caitlin Renee!
There are a lot of changes going on at work. Good and bad depending on the way I choose to look at it. Can't say too much now because I never know who reads this. I'll fill you all in later.
My mom is going in for her DNC on April 22nd. Finally. A month after that she will go back in for an ultra sound and other tests, then they should start her on the medication and as long as she reacts well to the medicine and can lose the weight she should be having the hysterectomy sometime around September or October. I'm praying that everything goes smoothly and she isn't in pain any longer.
Well I think that's about all I have to update. Until next time...
Friday, March 14, 2008
No Right Answer
So this has certainly turned into one of those weeks where you sit back and reflect and all you come up with is HmMmMm?!?
Let's start with the obvious. I 110% now completely hate my job. It's quite sad. I fear on some days that my job may cause me to become an alcoholic because by 1/2 way through the day all I can think of is that I want to go home and have a very strong margarita, etc. I never do have a drink, however, no need to worry, I'm too tired and drained by the time I get home. My job in theory is not at all difficult, but fellow employees make it so much more stressful than need be. We had meetings the last 2 days of what we can do to improve the shop as a whole and I finally got to speak my mind, along with everyone else, and I really hope that things start to change. I know I should be thankful that I have a job but it's really hard sometimes.
As most people know 1 of my biggest pet peeves is people who are hypocritical. I myself am guilty of this at times, but I really try to "practice what I preach." Well I learned a few things this week and all I can say is that some people need to start practicing what they preach. Don't sit here and lecture me on things that I should and shouldn't be doing when you go out and do those same exact things and not for one second do I want to hear that "my situation is different." It's not. End of story. I know I should be happy for people, and I am to a point, but at the same time I am torn and I have a lot of mixed feelings. I know I shouldn't be judgemental. Just another time I need to turn to God for his guidance. WWJD should be a much bigger part of my life I'm realizing.
Mr. Plumber is really really really getting on my last nerve. They came out last Friday to connect the pipes so we can finally have city water and to make a long story short they weren't prepared for what needed to be done because they haven't been here in 2 years so we rescheduled for today. They told me that the guys would be here first thing in the morning so I got up with Jason, only getting 4-5 hours of sleep, and took a shower since they have to turn off the water. I waited waited waited, still tired but trying to stay awake. I finally get a call at 10:30 from a guy and he is like is Jason at home and I told him that Jason works all week until 6. So he proceeds to tell me that he is going to come by tomorrow and take a look to see what all has to be done. HELLO, you already did that. You're just wasting my time. Jason already paid for it, so just install it. Grrr...
Well I guess that's all I have to complain about today. I hate seeming like an always negative pessimistic person. I'm going to work on some happier posts. Until next time...
Let's start with the obvious. I 110% now completely hate my job. It's quite sad. I fear on some days that my job may cause me to become an alcoholic because by 1/2 way through the day all I can think of is that I want to go home and have a very strong margarita, etc. I never do have a drink, however, no need to worry, I'm too tired and drained by the time I get home. My job in theory is not at all difficult, but fellow employees make it so much more stressful than need be. We had meetings the last 2 days of what we can do to improve the shop as a whole and I finally got to speak my mind, along with everyone else, and I really hope that things start to change. I know I should be thankful that I have a job but it's really hard sometimes.
As most people know 1 of my biggest pet peeves is people who are hypocritical. I myself am guilty of this at times, but I really try to "practice what I preach." Well I learned a few things this week and all I can say is that some people need to start practicing what they preach. Don't sit here and lecture me on things that I should and shouldn't be doing when you go out and do those same exact things and not for one second do I want to hear that "my situation is different." It's not. End of story. I know I should be happy for people, and I am to a point, but at the same time I am torn and I have a lot of mixed feelings. I know I shouldn't be judgemental. Just another time I need to turn to God for his guidance. WWJD should be a much bigger part of my life I'm realizing.
Mr. Plumber is really really really getting on my last nerve. They came out last Friday to connect the pipes so we can finally have city water and to make a long story short they weren't prepared for what needed to be done because they haven't been here in 2 years so we rescheduled for today. They told me that the guys would be here first thing in the morning so I got up with Jason, only getting 4-5 hours of sleep, and took a shower since they have to turn off the water. I waited waited waited, still tired but trying to stay awake. I finally get a call at 10:30 from a guy and he is like is Jason at home and I told him that Jason works all week until 6. So he proceeds to tell me that he is going to come by tomorrow and take a look to see what all has to be done. HELLO, you already did that. You're just wasting my time. Jason already paid for it, so just install it. Grrr...
Well I guess that's all I have to complain about today. I hate seeming like an always negative pessimistic person. I'm going to work on some happier posts. Until next time...
Monday, March 3, 2008
So I haven't exactly stuck to my New Year's resolution of updating every week. I decided to give it a makeover and I am going to try to update at least every week from now on. It's good to reflect on everything that is going on.
So I've been doing a lot of thinking and soul searching and I've learned a lot about myself and my present situations:
- I am in the most amazing relationship with the most wonderful man. I am happier than I could have ever imagined. And it blows me away how compatiable Jason and I are. In the almost year and a half we've been together we have never fought, we are constantly laughing and having fun, and we just have so much in common. He is honestly my perfect match, my other half. I love him today, but I will always love him more tomorrow.
-I harbor a lot of negative feelings. Not all the time, but instead of working on these feelings I hold them in. Whether these feelings are jealousy, hate, anger, etc, they aren't Christian and I realize, now, how important it is for me to turn to God to help me relinquish these feelings and live a more positive, healthier life.
-I really need to kick my diet into high gear. It's not just about wanting to look better and feel better about my appearance, it's now a health issue. I need to lose weight so I have more energy and prevent myself from enduring possible medical problems. I don't want to die at a young age. I want to see how the world looks in 60 years.
I would love to write more but I really need to get ready for work. I hope to update again possibly tomorrow so until then....
So I've been doing a lot of thinking and soul searching and I've learned a lot about myself and my present situations:
- I am in the most amazing relationship with the most wonderful man. I am happier than I could have ever imagined. And it blows me away how compatiable Jason and I are. In the almost year and a half we've been together we have never fought, we are constantly laughing and having fun, and we just have so much in common. He is honestly my perfect match, my other half. I love him today, but I will always love him more tomorrow.
-I harbor a lot of negative feelings. Not all the time, but instead of working on these feelings I hold them in. Whether these feelings are jealousy, hate, anger, etc, they aren't Christian and I realize, now, how important it is for me to turn to God to help me relinquish these feelings and live a more positive, healthier life.
-I really need to kick my diet into high gear. It's not just about wanting to look better and feel better about my appearance, it's now a health issue. I need to lose weight so I have more energy and prevent myself from enduring possible medical problems. I don't want to die at a young age. I want to see how the world looks in 60 years.
I would love to write more but I really need to get ready for work. I hope to update again possibly tomorrow so until then....
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Where has the time gone?
So it's January 29th and is it just me or does it seem that this year is flying by? It feels like January 1st was yesterday. I guess time flies when you are having fun!
Jason and I had a busy weekend but it was tons of fun! Friday night we went over to Kevin's (Jason's former co-worker) house to play some poker. I had never played Texas Hold 'Em before but I was definitely willing to learn and play. I did relatively well the first game, I hung in there for a long time, but eventually was the first person out. The second game I had a KILLER hand or so I thought, and went all in and lost to Jason. Boo. Finally the third game came down to Jason and I and Jason eventually beat me. Luckily he won all 3 games for us. LoL. We got to meet some new people and made some plans for the Super Bowl so overall it was a very fun night.
Bright and early Saturday morning Kevin and Liz Jackson came over and we went up to Detroit for the 2008 North American International Auto Show. That was my first time going and I was blown away. There were some amazing vehicles sho
wcased! I found my next vehicle. 
It's a BMW 135i. It's a brand new series introduced in 2008. They had several models, 128i, covertables, etc. The 135i was by far my favorite. Surprisingly enough a fully loaded 135i is reasonably priced for a BMW. Looks like a graduation present for myself. :-D
Sunday was definitely a lazy day due to not getting any sleep Friday night and having to wake up super early. I don't think we got up until after 10. Jason made pancakes. :-D It was cute. And unfortunately I had to go back to work. We were slow the whole night until about 10:15. I didn't end up getting off until midnight. GRRRRR!
Haven't worked out yet this week but I intend on getting up early tomorrow and working out for about an hour. My weight loss goal for this week is 3 lbs. I am confident I can do it. Well, that's about all I have right now. Until next time my lovlies...
Friday, January 18, 2008
Something Different
Well I don't really have anything to update everyone on. But, I'm trying to stay true to my resolution and blog at least once a week.
Work is still work. There are so many things that frustrate me and when I try and say something it seems to fall on deaf ears. I'm really trying to keep a positive attitude because I know I should be thankful I have a job in today's market, but it's still hard for me. I think I deserve to be treated better. Maybe something will come along, after all, prayer answers many things.
In my last post I shared my New Years Resolutions and I am happy to update that my "Lose 60 lbs" is well under way. I have lost 6 lbs. so far and that makes me so happy! Amanda introduced me to this absolutely wonderful weight loss site called and I am so glad she did! It's a site where you can not only track your calorie intake, learn new exercise tips, get yummy low fat recipes, but it is also a community where you can interact with other memebers and share stories and motivate one another. It's really great, people have been so kind and I can't wait to finally lose this weight and keep it off! After all, I want to feel confident and sexy when I finally get married. (Which I hope is within the next three years) That's a good goal, right? :-P Haha!
On a not so positive note, my mom had to go in for a mri and cat scan last week because her Dr. found a mass on either her ovaries or her uterus and they have to determine where exactly it is, the size, more than likely test it, and possibly perform surgery to remove it. Please keep her in your prayers and hope it's nothing to serious. :(
That's about all I have for this week, thanks for checking in (although I'm pretty sure the only person who reads this is Amanda, so I should pry just put AMANDA- THIS ONE IS FOR YOU as my title for my blog, LoL)
Until next time my lovlies...
Work is still work. There are so many things that frustrate me and when I try and say something it seems to fall on deaf ears. I'm really trying to keep a positive attitude because I know I should be thankful I have a job in today's market, but it's still hard for me. I think I deserve to be treated better. Maybe something will come along, after all, prayer answers many things.
In my last post I shared my New Years Resolutions and I am happy to update that my "Lose 60 lbs" is well under way. I have lost 6 lbs. so far and that makes me so happy! Amanda introduced me to this absolutely wonderful weight loss site called and I am so glad she did! It's a site where you can not only track your calorie intake, learn new exercise tips, get yummy low fat recipes, but it is also a community where you can interact with other memebers and share stories and motivate one another. It's really great, people have been so kind and I can't wait to finally lose this weight and keep it off! After all, I want to feel confident and sexy when I finally get married. (Which I hope is within the next three years) That's a good goal, right? :-P Haha!
On a not so positive note, my mom had to go in for a mri and cat scan last week because her Dr. found a mass on either her ovaries or her uterus and they have to determine where exactly it is, the size, more than likely test it, and possibly perform surgery to remove it. Please keep her in your prayers and hope it's nothing to serious. :(
That's about all I have for this week, thanks for checking in (although I'm pretty sure the only person who reads this is Amanda, so I should pry just put AMANDA- THIS ONE IS FOR YOU as my title for my blog, LoL)
Until next time my lovlies...
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
So Far...
I've made it one of my New Years Resolutions to blog at least weekly. I'm hoping to update more often than that, but it's a good start.
So the Buckeyes lost. I know the SEC is tough, but I was really hoping that OSU would step it up and prove to everyone that the Big 10 is just as fierce. At least they didn't lose as badly as they did last year. Oh well, there's always next year. :-D
I've had an awful cold since about January 2nd and it is finally starting to go away. Only problem is, I'm pretty sure now I am getting or have an ear infection. :( Booooo. Way to start the new year.
So, like most people I made a few New Years Resolutions and they are as follows:
*Lose 60 lbs. and live a healthier life style
*Get back into school and maintain a 3.5 GPA
*Try and find a new job
*Go to church more often and be a better Christian
*Be more open minded, optimistic, and understanding
That's all for now, I'm sure I'll add more later on. It's good to give yourself direction. Well I better get ready for work.
Until next time my lovlies...
So the Buckeyes lost. I know the SEC is tough, but I was really hoping that OSU would step it up and prove to everyone that the Big 10 is just as fierce. At least they didn't lose as badly as they did last year. Oh well, there's always next year. :-D
I've had an awful cold since about January 2nd and it is finally starting to go away. Only problem is, I'm pretty sure now I am getting or have an ear infection. :( Booooo. Way to start the new year.
So, like most people I made a few New Years Resolutions and they are as follows:
*Lose 60 lbs. and live a healthier life style
*Get back into school and maintain a 3.5 GPA
*Try and find a new job
*Go to church more often and be a better Christian
*Be more open minded, optimistic, and understanding
That's all for now, I'm sure I'll add more later on. It's good to give yourself direction. Well I better get ready for work.
Until next time my lovlies...
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