Jason and I had a busy weekend but it was tons of fun! Friday night we went over to Kevin's (Jason's former co-worker) house to play some poker. I had never played Texas Hold 'Em before but I was definitely willing to learn and play. I did relatively well the first game, I hung in there for a long time, but eventually was the first person out. The second game I had a KILLER hand or so I thought, and went all in and lost to Jason. Boo. Finally the third game came down to Jason and I and Jason eventually beat me. Luckily he won all 3 games for us. LoL. We got to meet some new people and made some plans for the Super Bowl so overall it was a very fun night.
Bright and early Saturday morning Kevin and Liz Jackson came over and we went up to Detroit for the 2008 North American International Auto Show. That was my first time going and I was blown away. There were some amazing vehicles sho
wcased! I found my next vehicle. 
It's a BMW 135i. It's a brand new series introduced in 2008. They had several models, 128i, covertables, etc. The 135i was by far my favorite. Surprisingly enough a fully loaded 135i is reasonably priced for a BMW. Looks like a graduation present for myself. :-D
Sunday was definitely a lazy day due to not getting any sleep Friday night and having to wake up super early. I don't think we got up until after 10. Jason made pancakes. :-D It was cute. And unfortunately I had to go back to work. We were slow the whole night until about 10:15. I didn't end up getting off until midnight. GRRRRR!
Haven't worked out yet this week but I intend on getting up early tomorrow and working out for about an hour. My weight loss goal for this week is 3 lbs. I am confident I can do it. Well, that's about all I have right now. Until next time my lovlies...