Friday, March 14, 2008

No Right Answer

So this has certainly turned into one of those weeks where you sit back and reflect and all you come up with is HmMmMm?!?

Let's start with the obvious. I 110% now completely hate my job. It's quite sad. I fear on some days that my job may cause me to become an alcoholic because by 1/2 way through the day all I can think of is that I want to go home and have a very strong margarita, etc. I never do have a drink, however, no need to worry, I'm too tired and drained by the time I get home. My job in theory is not at all difficult, but fellow employees make it so much more stressful than need be. We had meetings the last 2 days of what we can do to improve the shop as a whole and I finally got to speak my mind, along with everyone else, and I really hope that things start to change. I know I should be thankful that I have a job but it's really hard sometimes.

As most people know 1 of my biggest pet peeves is people who are hypocritical. I myself am guilty of this at times, but I really try to "practice what I preach." Well I learned a few things this week and all I can say is that some people need to start practicing what they preach. Don't sit here and lecture me on things that I should and shouldn't be doing when you go out and do those same exact things and not for one second do I want to hear that "my situation is different." It's not. End of story. I know I should be happy for people, and I am to a point, but at the same time I am torn and I have a lot of mixed feelings. I know I shouldn't be judgemental. Just another time I need to turn to God for his guidance. WWJD should be a much bigger part of my life I'm realizing.

Mr. Plumber is really really really getting on my last nerve. They came out last Friday to connect the pipes so we can finally have city water and to make a long story short they weren't prepared for what needed to be done because they haven't been here in 2 years so we rescheduled for today. They told me that the guys would be here first thing in the morning so I got up with Jason, only getting 4-5 hours of sleep, and took a shower since they have to turn off the water. I waited waited waited, still tired but trying to stay awake. I finally get a call at 10:30 from a guy and he is like is Jason at home and I told him that Jason works all week until 6. So he proceeds to tell me that he is going to come by tomorrow and take a look to see what all has to be done. HELLO, you already did that. You're just wasting my time. Jason already paid for it, so just install it. Grrr...

Well I guess that's all I have to complain about today. I hate seeming like an always negative pessimistic person. I'm going to work on some happier posts. Until next time...

1 comment:

Amanda G said...

You need a new job, Rach! Seriously, that place is not worth your energy. You're aging yourself by putting up with all their crap! I hope you find something better relatively soon. Possibly even something closer!

Man, that city water thing has been going for 4+ years...COME ON ALREADY!!! Hope you get some sleep this weekend to make up for it! Happy Friday!